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Teething symptoms and solutions

27 Nov, 2023

Teething can be a difficult time, for infants and parents too. It can be frustrating to see your little one uncomfortable as their new teeth come through. NUK helps identify teething symptoms and ways to help soothe the pain.

When will my child grow its first teeth?

‘The first teeth will grow between the six and eight months. This may be a little painful. The pressure pain can be soothed by teething rings or a massage instrument, which makes it easier for children to have the teeth break through. You can, however, continue to use the soother. Just watch out in case teeth leave marks or even cracks in it, and replace the soother in this case’ says Dr Hubertus von Treuenfels.

Teething symptoms

Drooling, biting, coughing, irritability and of course, crying, are common symptoms of teething. All babies will experience teething differently; some won’t have any symptoms at all and will have a full mouth of teeth without any pain. For others, try these easy remedies:

Teething solutions

  • Teething rings - try a teething ring that you can refrigerate for extra relief, the cooling effect will helps numb the gums. Never freeze a teether as this too can cause pain on sensitive gums. Teethers with friendly designs or soft nubs can help baby with additional comfort

  • Cold food – cold yogurts, applesauce or frozen fruits can help soothe sore gums. Serve in the NUK Fill & Freeze Pops for babies over 10 months or use a feeder for babies from 6 months. Always supervise while eating

  • Lots of TLC – without doubt, the easiest remedy to give to your child. Sometimes extra kisses and cuddles help soothe baby and are just as effective

What about pain medication?

Consult your paediatrician. Taking pain and fever reducing medicine may help relieve some symptoms.

When do I have to start brushing my child's teeth? How often?

‘When the first tooth is fully present, it can and should be cleaned. This is possible with a child toothbrush that is round, soft and adapted to a small child's needs. You can also use a moist cloth wrapped around your finger. At the latest when the molars are present, around one year of age, the toothbrush should be used more intensely, and you should brush the child's teeth together with the child. It will soon learn how to use the brush and then later be able to clean its own teeth. Brush teeth as required. Generally, once per day until one year of age, and then twice per day, as for adults.’

When should I take my child to a dentist for the first time?

Once the first teeth sneak through, visit the dentist for a friendly check-up. Try making this outing a fun event – bring along siblings or ask whether the dentist can move the chair up and down. Regular check-ups should be performed from two years old, when all teeth have grown. At first, check-ups can be performed once a year and later twice a year like for an adult.

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