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Co-sleeping with your baby
Babies should be slept in their own sleep space, which is safest in a cot or bassinette. Some families choose to bring baby to bed with them, but this isn’t always safe.
Read our advice below on how to do it more safely, to reduce your risk.
Follow these tips for safer co-sleeping:
Place baby on their back to sleep – never on their tummy or side
Make sure the mattress is clean and firm
Keep pillows and adult bedding away from baby
Make sure baby can’t fall off the bed– you can also put the adult mattress on the floor to help reduce the risk of baby being injured from falling off the bed.
Make sure your bedding and sheets can’t cover baby’s face
Place baby to the side of one parent – never in the middle of two adults, or next to other children or pets
Move the bed away from the wall – so baby can’t get trapped between the bed and the wall
Dress baby in a safe sleep bag with no hood but with a fitted neck and armholes – don’t wrap or swaddle baby
Tie up long hair, remove all jewellery and remove teething necklaces – so they can’t strangle baby.
When not to co-sleep: You should never co-sleep or lie down holding baby if:
You are overly tired or feel unwell
You or your partner have recently drunk alcohol
You or your partner smoke, even if you don’t smoke in the bedroom
You or your partner have taken any drugs that make you feel sleepy or less aware
Baby is unwell, was premature or is small for their gestational age.
When you are overly tired, unwell or have taken alcohol or drugs that make you drowsy (including both drugs from the chemist and recreational drugs), you are less likely to wake up if there is a problem – which is why co-sleeping is very dangerous in these circumstances.
Babies who are sick, premature or small for their gestational age have a higher risk of sudden unexpected death, and co-sleeping adds to this higher risk.
Falling asleep holding baby on a couch or chair is always unsafe – move yourself and baby to a safe sleep environment if you think you might fall asleep.
Our tips for safe sleeping:
The Red Nose Six Safe Sleep Recommendations are based on many years of research and are evidence-based to reduce your risk of sudden infant death and other sleep accidents.
If you choose to co-sleep with your baby, it is important to consider this advice and to follow our tips for safer co-sleeping.
Every family is unique, and every baby is unique – so you need to make the decision that is right for you and your family. There is no parenting rulebook, just facts and Red Nose is here to support you on your parenting journey.
Always follow the Red Nose six safe sleep recommendations:
Sleep baby on back
Keep head and face uncovered
Keep baby smoke free, before and after birth
Safe sleeping environment, day and night
Sleep baby in parents’ room in a safe cot
Breastfeed baby
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