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Having a premature baby can be daunting - Miracle Babies is here!
Miracle Babies Foundation is Australia's leading not for profit organisation supporting families who have had a premature or sick newborn.
Their NurtureProgram provides vital, emotional support from a threatened pregnancy, throughout their hospital journey and for years beyond.
The NurtureProgram includes:
- NurtureLine (24 Hour Family Support)
- NurtureTime (in-hospital peer support)
- NurtureGroup (FREE play and support groups until your baby goes to school)
If you or somebody close to you experiences the birth of a premature or sick baby, it can be overwhelming, and it affects the entire family. Miracle Babies Foundation is here to help guide you through your journey, to empower you to help your child reach their full potential and provide invaluable connections that can last a lifetime, with others who have also been through a similar experience.
Have you had a baby born premature?
During this experience, all of your energy can go into worrying and caring for your new baby, but it is important to remember to take good care of yourself too. You need to be physically and emotionally able to care for your baby.
Try to:
- Eat and drink regular, healthy meals – try not to rely on takeaway.
- Accept the help of family and friends.
- Exercise (when medically approved) to alleviate stress.
- Keep a journal of your NICU journey and write down daily events, thoughts and feelings.
- Join a support group. Most hospitals have them and it’s a great way to meet others who are experiencing a similar journey.
- Meet with a NICU social worker, counsellor or your spiritual advisor. You may find developing a self-care plan helpful.
- Experiencing the birth of a premature or sick newborn can increase your risk of depression and anxiety. Recent studies have found that having a critically ill baby endure a long stay in a NICU may lead to parents developing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). If at any time you feel overwhelmed or feel you are not coping well, it is important to seek help. You can:
- Tell someone how you are feeling, e.g. a counsellor, partner or friend.
- Ask them to stay with you until you get help. Being with someone, even over the phone, increases your safety.
- Contact a medical professional and tell them it is an emergency:
- Call your local hospital and ask to speak to the Mental Health Team.
- Go to your GP or hospital emergency department and wait there until you see a doctor.
- Call 000. The police or ambulance may be able to take you to hospital.
- Call a crisis Helpline.
Visit for more information, to access support or to find out how you can help.
Article supplied by Miracle Babies Foundation.
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