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Helpful Tip – Hospital Bag Must Haves
Hospital Bag Must Haves
When it comes time to start thinking about packing your hospital bag things are starting to get real. Your hospital should have provided you with a list of essential items but here’s a few extra items that you may not have thought of….
BYO pillow – regardless of which hospital you are booked in at there always a shortage of pillows. They are like gold, as soon as they appear, they’re gone again. There’s nothing quite like your own pillow too, especially when you’re not sleeping in your own bed. Don’t forget your partners too….
Your pre-expressed colostrum. Have a chat with your midwife or doctor about antenatal expressing and if it is safe for you to do. If they give you the green light then go ahead from 36-37 weeks and express way. It’s a great way to start getting a little collection up for your little one.
Lanolin Nipple cream – there are plenty of terrific brands out there. 100% pure Lanolin helps sooth, heal and protect sore and cracked nipples and being natural you don’t have to wipe it off before feeds.
Hydrogel Nipple Disc Pads – again there are plenty of great brands out there. These help provide cooling, soothing relief to sore and cracked nipples.
Wet wipes – great for easy wiping ‘down under.’
And of course….. Your Ice Ice Booby breast and perineal heat and ice packs – whether you’re in hospital for 5 hours or 5 days, trust us, these will come in handy. We hope this has helped….
Happy Packing
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