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Pregnancy Week by Week - 29 to 32 weeks
A weekly breakdown from 29 to 32 weeks
Week 29
Your baby is the size of a squash and has started to produce red blood cells in the bone marrow. The lungs are maturing and breathing more consistently with a regular rhythm. The eyes are open, the eyelashes have grown and baby is learning to focus the eyes. The amount of lanugo or fine hair on your baby’s skin has peaked and will now begin to slowly fall out. All the organs have developed and most are fully functioning, preparing your baby for life outside of the womb.
Week 30
Your baby is the size of a head of lettuce. The skin cells begin producing melanin responsible for skin colour and this process continues after birth. Fat stores are increasing beneath the skin to protect and insulate the organs and to regulate temperature. Your baby can see dim shapes as the pupils are able to expand and constrict to let in light. The reflexes are developing and your baby will regularly suck the thumb and fingers.
Week 31
Your baby is the size of a coconut and can move the head from side to side. Your baby has longer periods of sleep and often more defined patterns of wakefulness, movement and rest. The brain continues to make complex connections processing information, tracking light and receiving signals from all five senses.
Week 32
As your baby grows and fat accumulates, the skin is no longer translucent and is now opaque in appearance. The eyes are blue or grey in colour. This will change once your baby is born and the final eye colour may take a year or more to develop. Your baby is the size of a pineapple as the weight has doubled in the last month. An increased production of protein and enzymes necessary for generating body heat allows baby to regulate temperature more effectively. Your baby is cycling through stages of sleep and wake times as brain activity shows periods of active sleep.
Written by PBC Expo Midwife Hayley Hall
Midwife, Birth Educator and Mum of 4
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